Thursday, August 13, 2020

Write a Java class Author with following features:


Write a Java class Author with following features:
Instance variables :
firstName for the author’s first name of type String.
lastName for the author’s last name of type String.
Instance methods:
public void setFirstName (String firstName): Used to set the first name of author.
public void setLastName (String lastName): Used to set the last name of author.
public String getFirstName(): This method returns the first name of the author.
public String getLastName(): This method returns the last name of the author.

class Author 


String firstname,lastname;

void setfirstname(String first)




void setlastname(String last)




String getfirstname()


return firstname;


String getlastname()


return lastname;


public static void main(String[] args) 


Author a1=new Author ();



System.out.println("FirstName is"+a1.getfirstname()+"Last Nameis"+a1.getlastname());



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